Version 0.14.1 to 0.15.0

This update contains a significant number of changes to the way the project code is organized. This is a guide to updating applications that use BACpypes to fit the new API.

The guide is divided into a series of sections for each type of change.


There is a new service sub-package where the functionality to support a specific type of behavior is in a separate module. The module names within the service sub-package are inspired by and very similar to the names of Clauses 13 through 17.

The bacpypes.service.device module now contains the definition of the LocalDeviceObject as well as mix-in classes to support Who-Is, I-Am, Who-Has, and I-Have services.

If your application contained this:

from import LocalDeviceObject, BIPSimpleApplication

Update it to contain this:

from import BIPSimpleApplication
from bacpypes.service.device import LocalDeviceObject

Application Subclasses

The Application class in the module no longer supports services by default, they are mixed into derived classes as needed. There are very few applications that actually took advantage of the AtomicReadFile and AtomicWriteFile services, so when these were moved to their own service module bacpypes.service.file it seems natural to move the implementations of the other services to other modules as well.

Moving this code to separate modules will facilitate BACpypes applications building additional service modules to mix into the default ones or replace default implementations with ones more suited to their local application requirements.

The exception to this is the BIPSimpleApplication, is the most commonly used derived class from Application and I anticipated that by having it include WhoIsIAmServices and ReadWritePropertyServices allowed existing applications to run with fewer changes.

If your application contained this:

class MyApplication(Application):

And you want to keep the old behavior, replace it with this:

from bacpypes.service.device import WhoIsIAmServices
from bacpypes.service.object import ReadWritePropertyServices

class MyApplication(Application, WhoIsIAmServices, ReadWritePropertyServices):

Client-only Applications

The Application class no longer requires a value for the localDevice or localAddress parameters. BACpypes applications like that omit these parameters will only be able to initiate confirmed or unconfirmed services that do not require these objects or values. They would not be able to respond to Who-Is requests for example.

Client-only applications are useful when it would be advantageous to avoid the administrative overhead for configuring something as a device, such as network analysis applications and very simple trend data gather applications. They are also useful for BACpypes applications that run in a Docker container or “in the cloud”.

Sample client-only applications will be forthcoming.

Simplified Requests

Some of the service modules now have additional functions that make it easier to initiate requests. For example, in the WhoIsIAmServices class there are functions for initiating a Who-Is request by a simple function:

def who_is(self, low_limit=None, high_limit=None, address=None):

Validating the parameters, building the WhoIsRequest PDU and sending it downstream is all handled by the function.

If your application builds common requests then you can use the new functions or continue without them. If there are common requests that you would like to make and have built into the library your suggestions are always welcome.