Command Logging

The follow set of classes are used to provide access to the defined loggers as a client or a service. For example, instances of these classes can be stacked on top of a UDP or TCP director to provide debugging to remote devices or to BACpypes applications running as a daemon where there is no interactive command capability.

class commandlogging.CommandLoggingHandler(logging.Handler)

This is a long line of text.

__init__(self, commander, destination, loggerName)
  • commander – record to format
  • destination – record to format
  • loggerName – record to format

This is a long line of text.

emit(self, record)
Parameters:commander – record to format

This is a long line of text.

class commandlogging.CommandLogging(Logging)

This is a long line of text.


This is a long line of text.

process_command(self, cmd, addr)
  • cmd – command message to be processed
  • addr – address of source of request/response

This is a long line of text.

emit(self, msg, addr)
  • msg – message to send
  • addr – address to send request/response

This is a long line of text.

class commandlogging.CommandLoggingServer(CommandLogging, Server, Logging)

This is a long line of text.

Parameters:pdu – command message to be processed

This is a long line of text.

emit(self, msg, addr)
  • msg – message to send
  • addr – address to send response

This is a long line of text.

class commandlogging.CommandLoggingClient(CommandLogging, Client, Logging)

This is a long line of text.

Parameters:pdu – command message to be processed

This is a long line of text.

emit(self, msg, addr)
  • msg – message to send
  • addr – address to send request

This is a long line of text.